Authenticity is…
(…making boundaries obsolete)
… a skill we develop over a lifetime!
… a means to address boundary issues in tailor-made ways
.…a fast-track for educating people about their effects on us
…a fast track for educating ourselves about what works best for us
…a grand opportunity for modeling self-care
…a way of behaving that fosters trust
…a form of assertive action
…something that gets easier with practice!
…a lot easier than playing a role
…a means to reduce burnout
…a behavior that increases our knowledge of ourselves and others
…a form of self love
…a means for self-actualization
…a skill we develop over a lifetime!
Authenticity vs. Boundaries
When I’m being me in our relationship…
I don’t need a lot of prefab rules.
I just need to go inside myself
and see how I feel
and then tell you about it!
For instance:
If you asked me for money last week…
and it felt good to give it to you…
That’s swell!
If you ask me again this week…
and it starts to feel bad…
(like I’m turning into your big fat piggy bank)
I need to share that with you.
That way:
I honor me. I honor you.
You learn from me. I learn from you.
We both grow.
We both discover we’re worth the truth.
Click Below To Download Your Handout
Authenticity (pdf)