The Spirit of Peace Work Outreach
“Someday, after mastering the winds, the waves, the tides and gravity, we shall harness for God the energies of love, and then, for a second time in the history of the world, man will have discovered fire.”
– Pierre Teilhard De Chardin
Peace Work Outreach harnesses Love, and has a mission to spread it all over this world.
We do this by inviting people into opportunities to learn to facilitate groups that foster personal & interpersonal-skill development, community, and deep inner transformation. This is done in classes, practice groups & various community support groups.
Got a Passion? Peace Work is an unforgettable, delightfully engaging & transformative means to invite people into the heart of it. Imagine the world when we all live our passions!
Truly a one-size-fits-all miracle of a community building model, Peace Work is a sanctioned adaptation of the prison-based Alternatives to Violence Project, a largely volunteer program that’s made in-roads into 65 countries, transforming lives for over 40 years.
Applications of the model are limitless. Peace Work has been adapted for people with psychiatric diagnoses &/or addiction, mental health staff: all levels, law enforcement workers, youth: children & teenagers, spiritual “seekers,” families in distress, team building for staff & boards, folks in homeless shelters, couples, adult students, roommates, veterans, unique & wonderful church services… and more.
Because the model invites participants and facilitators into a dynamic of shared power and exploration, just about any topic can be delved into, and for myriad purposes.
Peace Work has been used to juicy up tedious trainings, invite joy into family reunions, dig into areas the facilitator(s) or participants want specific healing, bring bonding to staff meetings, invite co-ownership in group coaching sessions… and more.
Peace Work is a global movement in-the-making, and your contribution matters!
Please bring your passions and a heart ready for creation & Love!
On Living Our Purpose
Are You Ready?
Are you ready for the world you were born to ring in?
If so, join us!
You’ll learn to share your gift of purpose… your part of creating a New World.
Peace Work is a way of being in a social gathering – in person or online – that grows us!
It’s affirming, playful, meaningful, transformational.
It’s a magnificent vehicle for sharing things that light you up.
It’s Time
What The World Needs
“Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.”
― Howard Thurman
Joyful Living
Healthy community is the missing link to Joyful living on earth. Peace Work is a magnificent means!
Ways Of Being Involved
Come to Peace Work: Sharing Spirit Zoom Gatherings Sundays, 8-9:30 AM Pacific:
4th Saturday of the Month – 5-7 Pacific, 6-8 Mountain, 7-9 Central, 8-10 Eastern
Invitation to Love!
An opportunity to dress to the nines (if you like), write a love poem, assemble a bouquet…whatever… A custom date with God! …complete with agenda & exercises based on A Course in Miracles random selection, and delivered Peace Work format.
In other words, a total adventure of an exploration …of our Love relationship with God.
An Immensely Helpful Mentoring Organization
Come be Inspired, Empowered and Supported!
Our members share an individual purpose: wake up!
We also share a collective purpose:
Wake up the world by being the change we wish to see.
Awakened Life Live
Because in today’s “New World” There is no one coming to save us…You must be the one who makes the difference!
If I Die Before I Wake
If you want greater health, wealth, happiness, relationships, spiritual connection and a roadmap to Your Life’s Purpose, then enter your information and receive your FREE BOOK!
Build Your Own
If you want greater health, wealth, happiness, relationships
Achieve Genuine Community!
Tailored to serve people “in recovery” from trauma-related and other mental and emotional challenges, the material and much of the language in this tool-kit is rooted in the work of The Alternatives to Violence Project (AVP).
AVP is a powerfully transformative process developed by people incarcerated in prisons, Quakers, and Civil Rights leaders, in response to the Attica (prison) uprising.
It is a non-hierarchical model that utilizes experiential exercises in specific ways to achieve genuine community.
Every activity invites some aspect of “us” forward: our life experience, our wisdom… our joy!
This generates tremendous buy-in as personal insight and interpersonal skills develop naturally.
The foundational concept of “Transforming Power,” something we each define for ourselves, opens us to the idea that there is always a power available to transform a moment, a dynamic… or a life.